Tuesday, May 31, 2005
More than the Roman emperors, more than the industrial robber barons, the malefactors of the educated class seek not only to dominate the working class, but to decimate it. For 30 years they have presided over failing schools without fundamentally transforming them. They have imposed a public morality that affords maximum sexual opportunity for themselves and guarantees maximum domestic chaos for those lower down.
In 1960 there were not big structural differences between rich and poor families. In 1960, three-quarters of poor families were headed by married couples. Now only a third are. While the rates of single parenting have barely changed for the educated elite, family structures have disintegrated for the oppressed masses.
Intel has quietly added DRM to its new chipset, and has refused to comment on the technology saying it's 'not in the interest of the company' to explain it's DRM capabilities. Sounds like policy driven by corporate collusion, rather than fair implementation of already corrupted copyright laws. Issues such as fair use, copyright verification and removal (if it is found that copyright does not apply), and actual ownership of content (I'm sorry, but I don't lease songs from the RIAA; I buy them and I'm free to do with them as I see fit) have been proactively settled in the industry's favor.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Beer drinking curbed by prodigious weed
Previous research has shown that kudzu plant extract has helped reduce alcohol drinking in rats and hamsters, but this is the first study to show the effect in humans. The plant was introduced to the US to combat soil erosion but has now become a persistent weed.
I don't know anything about the study, but I do know that if you've got rats and hamsters in your house you're already in the red on more than a few quality-of-life scales. If you've got alcoholic rats, you need to move, pronto. What could possibly be worse? Alcoholic rats that tell you you're stupid and beat you? Or hock your TV for a case of Black Label? If you've got alcoholic rats at your place, you just might want to take up heavy drinking to dull the pain.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Well, it's not an exact quote, but Hayden Christensen says that the new Star Wars movie is "absolutely" anti-Bush, as well it goddam should be.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Remember that time you said you'd put me in your will?
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
This week is John Darnielle from the Mountain Goats.
I decided that for 16 weeks I would try to do something that I thought I couldn't. I wanted to stop being so dependant on external things for comfort and security.I wanted to break patterns of behavior, attachment and consumption that, over the years, had become automatic responses to anxiety and boredom. Beginning January 1st, 2005 I slowly began to wean myself from my biggest addictions and dependencies.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Thursday, May 12, 2005
I'm all for it, and this awesome russian video shows how it can spice up an otherwise boring soccer game.
The city paid for some of those meals twice. The city reimbursed Autry and Council Member Henry T. Perea for at least six lunches where other city officials paid for the same meals with city-issued credit cards. Autry regularly charges personal expenses on his city credit card, then repays the city, often months after the city has paid the bill.
The mayor stays at luxury hotels and dines at fine restaurants on city business trips, with the bills into thousands of dollars.
Call it a primer on the judicial confirmation process. Call it what you get when you spend way too much time reading Riddick's Senate Procedure. Just don't call it the "nuclear option" -- at least not when Bill Frist is around to correct you. The Senate majority leader doesn't want his plan to sound so explosive, but be forewarned: Unless somebody blinks first, we're in for a mind-warping set of unprecedented Senate maneuvers that could put Dick Cheney in charge of deeming the filibuster "unconstitutional" -- without a word from those folks in black robes across the street -- and grease the way for each and every right-wing extremist George W. Bush ever cares to put on a district court, an appellate court or the U.S. Supreme Court.
Lipson's robot, which is made of four cubes stacked on top of each other, has a flexible, three-dimensional design. "There is a whole world of possible machines," says Lipson, pointing out that you could make much more complex robots in the same way simply by using more cubes.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
A Wesley Willis tribute album, which is a strange thing indeed (feat. mp3s of both Wesley, and the bands covering him). Don't dare miss Wesley's "McDonalds Rock and Roll", which you'll be singing to yourself and other unfortunates all day tomorrow.
It's easy: "McDonalds will make you fat. They serve Big Macs. They serve Quarter pounders. They will put pounds on you.", then just rip into the chorus. Loud.
Monday, May 09, 2005
(direct .mov link)
Friday, May 06, 2005
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
The IQ decline was the equivalent of missing a whole night's sleep, the company said.
"Some dude" responds, via email, "Then again, it could be some bogus noise from the man, trying to drop a harsh on your whole scene because they can't handle what's going down."
Someone should correlate email traffic to potato chip sales.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
“In these days of floating-head posters and art-monkey Photoshop jobs, it's rare to see an original or even remotely daring design for a movie onesheet.”
Monday, May 02, 2005
Yee Haww!! Well tie me to an anthill and smear my ears with jam! This'ns a flat-picked Appalachian-angst filled hillbilly hoedown tribute to them slight, pale, sim'lar-named fellers ferm England. Thanks to the orn'rier-than-a-snake-in-a-hatbox Tokyo Kid. Shit, that boy's crazier'na sack of drunk chimps... Crazier'na bucket of retarded mice. Hot dang! He's so crazy he gits a feller low on them trapped wild animal metaphors. Git on now! You heard me now shush 'n mosey. I ain't a'standin' here dispensin' all manner o knowin's fer yer likes! Git!