Interesting findings in art, technology, culture, and the ever-astonishing strangeness of the human condition. Updated (mostly) daily for years and years and years from in and around Philadelphia, PA.
What was the location for Hopper's Nighthawks at the Diner painting? This guy may have found it.
My friends and I who are building websites — we’re kids! We’re kids playing around with tools given to us by adults. In decreasing order of adultness, and leaving out an awful lot, I’m talking about things such as: the Von Neumann stored program computing architecture; the transistor; high-throughput fibre-optic cables; the Unix operating system; the sci-fi-ish cloud computing platform; the web browser; the iPhone; the open source movement; Ruby on Rails; the Stack Overflow Q&A site for programmers; on and on, all the way down to the code that my slightly-more-adult co-workers write for my benefit. Are coders worth it? (Aeon)